Removal Costs

For a quick and easy Estimate, Please fill in your details and check the relevant boxes and we’ll get back to you with how much we think your removal will cost. 
Once you have a confirmed removal date, we can send an Estimator to your home (If you wish)
If you don't have enough time to fill in the form right now, scroll down to our price guide

The following prices are based on an average amount of furniture and effects moved locally. 
To get a Price for your move, please fill out and submit the above form. 

How much does it cost to move a 1 - 2 Bedroom Flat? 
An averagely furnished 1- 2 Bedroom Flat moved locally - typically costs from costs £412.50 plus VAT £495.00

How much does it cost to move a 2 - 3 Bedroom House? 
An averagely furnished 2 - 3 Bedroom house moved locally - typically costs from £579.16 plus VAT = £695.00.

How much does it cost to move a 4 Bedroom House? 
An averagely furnished 4 Bedroom house moved locally - typically costs from £829.16 plus VAT = £995.00.

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